Collaborative Mural Painting :
• To create a collaborative mural painting experience for multiple people using spray cans, where the painting medium (wall) and the
spray cans will be marked with AR markers; multiple cameras will point at the wall where people paint, and pick up on the positions of
the cans w.r.t to the wall and the computer coordinates the positions of the cans (people/painters) and directs them where to/not to
• Software Technologies: Computer Vision, Visualization, Graphics, Database, Networking, etc.
• Hardware Technologies: Augmented spray cans, Tracking System (AR Markers), Embedded communication, Arduinos
As a part of this project, I will be desining the spray can as my CSE-592 class project. I have two sketches for the spray can as of now.
This is how the AR markers will look like on the can. Four markers at four sides. Each one with a different ID and the combination
of these will help the system detect the position and orientation of the spray can.
This is just something I made up to give a visual idea of how the can should look like.