Arduino is one of the coolest things I've seen and I obviously had to take this picture :P
So this assignment was basically about experimenting with arduino for newbies like me, and I had fun doing so.
So we were to do this in a team of two! My teammate for this assignment was Siddharth Shah!
We started off with one LED, and ended up with this :
So this a a circuit with five LEDs, where we tried different ways of lighting all the five LEDs. One after the other, randomly, and even all five at once. So below is a snippet of the code:
The circuit diagram is pretty simple. Just 5 LEDs, 5 Resistors, and some wires!
The fritzing diagram is far more easy to understand:
All in all, we had a lot of fun doing this, but now some serious math!
The best thing we had to do was paint something with the help of this LED and probably a good camera. But because of a crappy camera in my phone, this is the best we could get: (hoping to find a good camera and updating this!)